

aily turns a month old

Thursday, June 28, 2012

today is a very special day! my niece just turned a month old! 

for other families this may not be a big deal. but my niece is the second child of my youngest brother but she is the first to lived. drake, his eldest was born with congenital infection that affects his lungs. he only lived for four days. this brought our family a great grief.

now after two years aily came. but she is born with  perinatal infection. her mother suffered from UTI during her pregnancy. she then passed the infection to her daughter during childbirth. so from the moment aily is born she is wearing a heplock where her medications will be injected through IV.

she needs to be injected twice a day with two types of antibiotics. administration was easy when they are both confined at the hospital. but as they leave the hospital we have to find a clinic or a pediatric hospital nearest to our place so that our baby will not get tired getting to and fro from there.

this was taken on one of her IV administration out of the hospital where aily was born
the treatment lasted a week. and thank God everything is normal now. she is growing healthy everyday. ang bigat na nga dahil sa katakawan. and she never failed to make us smile each day.

here she is on her 1 month birthday..... :-)

aily and me

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