

Unlock Skill with KitKat

Monday, July 28, 2014

We women, and it's a universal truth, have an innate talent in multi-tasking. So, as a mom, wife, full-time employee, helpful friend, kind sister and caring aunt,obedient daughter, runner, traveler and a community volunteer things at hand should be a breeze. I am also systematic in terms of time management. I can very well designate certain task to a particular person to make matters at hand more efficient. I only have one problem....I am forgetful!

photo source here

Ever since I gave birth to my only child via Cesarean operation last 1997 I felt that the anesthesia had an effect on me. I forget things easily. I forget deadlines causing me to cram. I forget dates/appointments thus making my loveones and friends irritated. I even forget faces thus making me speechless when someone approaches me. It makes me helpless and awkward. But I get help though....from my post-it pad! Yes, call me the 'Post-It Lady'. I have post-its all over my desk at the office, reminders for all the things I need to do and remember. I have a cork board at home for my notes, bills and other concerns. But without all these notes I am hopeless! 

one of my most prized possession 

And if I could unlock a skill after having a KitKat it would be stupendous! And what skill would it be? Super memory of course. It would be great if I could remember every dates, every appointments, every details of everything. I would be an awesome mom and wife, a great friend, a model employee and a good person. I would stop cramming and finally have a break of my own. Of course, eating KitKat while I'm at it. 

photo source here


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