

Friday Letters

Friday, November 16, 2012


Dear Sleep, I am seriously missing you. I really wish we could meet soon and be together for a long time. Dear Work, I am so grateful for all the income but I do need a break. My boss just gave me another client. I want to protest but I am not in any position to do that. See, I do want new clients, but when my work load is piling up and I am lacking in sleep, my enthusiasm sank deep. But I have to measure up with the challenge and accept everything because this is actually what I need. I just have to keep my self awake. Dear Breaking Dawn 2 (movie), WOW! That was an epic finale to the saga. I never expected the twist. My heart drops! But I am so happy. The movie was not a disappointment. I already told myself not to expect anything from the movie because I already anticipated the ending since I read the book. I just watch it due to the tradition. I watch all four previous films, so I am not gonna miss this one, whether it is a disappointment or not. But wow! Kudos to everybody. Dear Someone, Still not talking to you. Please give up! Dear Daughter, Everything will get better. Promise. I love you. 

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