- When did you last feel down and out? About two years until present. I'm still stuck in a relationship that's been draining me of everything. I thank my friends around me that's been keeping me sane.
- What do you do to feel sexy? Dance! In any form and style. I love dancing though I don't qualify as a dancer. I can do some moves here and there, but that's it. When I memorize a dance routine I feel very sexy and fit.
- Do you think people think you are normal? I guess so. I have friends and colleagues that seek my advice. But if they only knew what I've been thinking when I'm alone, they might think twice before coming near me.
- What have you always wanted to do? To be pre-school teacher. It's my dream to teach and influence in a positive way a child in his/her early stage in life. It gives them a great outlook in life. I wanna be the one that will do that to them.
- What do you appreciate the most about your life at this time? My daughter. Inspite of what is happening between me and my husband, I am really thankful that I have a very understanding, thoughtful, kind-hearted, smart and very pretty daughter.
- If you could be somewhere else, where would you be and why? Exploring Asia and Europe. I love to travel but can't do much of it since I am out of budget.
- Have you ever made a fool of yourself? If yes, spill. Yes, because I fell in love. That's it.
- How often do you feel guilty? Almost never. I always apologize if I knew I did something wrong to a person. And if I don't apologize when other people think I should, it's their problem.
- Give us an example of what you've done when feeling low self-esteem. Well, whenever I feel down I watch a movie. My daughter and I have a specific movie to watch when we are not feeling 'it'. It's Mulan. We call it our feel-good-movie.
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